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72. Olivia BLABER148 was born in 1880.34,574 She died on 15 May 1968 at the age of 88 in Flushing, Queens, New York, USA.575 At her deaty, she was survived by 44 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. She was buried on 18 May 1968 in Flushing, Queens, New York, USA.575 Her Requiem Mass was held at St Andrew Avellino Roman Catholic Church, and she was buried at St Mary's Cemetery. Olivia BLABER and Major General Dr George J LAURENCE were married in 1907 in Brooklyn, New York, USA.34,574,576 Major General Dr George J LAURENCE148, son of Enoch LAURENCE and Mary FULLER, was born about 1881 in Flushing, Queens, New York, USA.576 He was educated at Francis Xavier College, gaining an AB in 1902.576 He was educated in the Medical School of the University of Pannsylvania, gaining his MD in 1907.576 At the university, he played quarterback on the varsity eleven in 1907, and was president of his class in his junior year. He began practice in Flushing in 1907, later becoming president of the Queensboro Surgical Society and the medical board of the Flushing Hospital and Dispensary, where he specialized in gynecology and obstetrics. In 1932/3 George was a State Commander of the American Legion.576 He was a Major General in the New York National Guard.576 Entering the State National Guard in 1910 as a Private in the Tenth Regiment, he served on the Mexican border in 1916 as a Captain, Medical Corps, with the Twelfth Regiment. After the USA entered the first World War he was a Major, M.C. with the 165th. From 1920 to 1940 he was a Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps Reserve. From 1940 to 1945 he was a Colonel of the 69th Regiment, New York National Guard. He was a Brigidier General of the First Brigade 1945-46; was promoted to Major General in August 1946, and retired the following 1st December 1946. He was president of the Officers Club of the 69th Regiment, vice-president of the Flushing Savings Bank, a member of the New York Athletic Club, Pennsylvania Club, Pomonok Country Club, Rainbow Division Veterans Association, Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, Knights of Columbus, and the Holy Name Society of St Andrew Avelino Church. He died on 9 November 1949 at the age of 68 in Flushing, Queens, New York, USA.576 He died at home after an illness of several months. Olivia BLABER-638 and Major General Dr George J LAURENCE-700 had the following children: |